Program #18
Dynamically plotting dots on a specific area in the screen using multi-colors. Once all positions plotting is done. Program will come to an end.
/* Global Array Declaration */
int Box[50][50];
int main(){
int counter=0, rowValue=1, colValue=1;
int boxStatus, colorValue;
/* function prototype declaration */
int getRow();
int getColumn();
int checkBoxCompletion();
/* Clear the Screen */
/* Iterate Indefinite loop */
rowValue = getRow();
colValue = getColumn();
/* set Box position using Currrent Row,Column */
if (Box[rowValue][colValue] != 1){
Box[rowValue][colValue] = 1;
} else {
/* avoid overwritting plotted color
get a new blank position.
If you wish, just comment below "continue"
and see the difference
/* Re-initialize counter as 0 once it reaches INT max value */
if (counter == 32766) counter = 0;
/* Increase the Counter */
/* get random color */
colorValue = getColor();
/* set color using randow value */
/* Move the cursor position */
gotoxy(colValue, rowValue);
/* do color print */
/* set some delay in Milliseconds
as much you decrease, that much fast system will
fill the color + add mild-sound
/* after delay, mute the sound */
/* check box completion station after every dot plot */
boxStatus = checkBoxCompletion();
if (boxStatus == 1) {
gotoxy(18, 18);
/* print the success message using last dot color, Interesting!! */
cprintf("Box Color Fill: Completed Successfully !!");
/* stop the execution */
return 1;
return 0;
int getRow(){
int rowNum;
/* getting a randow row */
rowNum = random(25);
if (rowNum<8 || rowNum>15){
/* get next random */
} else {
return rowNum;
/* worst case, default return value */
return 8;
int getColumn(){
int colNum;
/* getting a randow column */
colNum = random(80);
if (colNum<25 || colNum>50){
/* get Next Column */
} else {
return colNum;
/* worst case, default return value */
return 25;
int getColor(){
int color;
/* getting a randow color */
color = random(15);
if (color == 0){
/* 0 means BLACK color, it will spoil the Spot */
} else {
return color;
/* worst case, default return value */
return 1;
int checkBoxCompletion(){
int i,j;
for (i=8;i<=15;i++){
for (j=25; j<=50; j++){
if(Box[i][j] != 1){
/* Color fill not yet completed */
return 0;
/* Color fill Finished */
return 1;
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